American Idiot

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Billy Joe Clean
Electric Guitar (jazz]
Billy Joe Distortion
Overdriven Guitar
Billy Joe Distortion 2
Overdriven Guitar
Tango Accordion
Electric Bass (finger]
Billy Joe 2nd Guitar
Overdriven Guitar
Lead 7 (fifths]


Don't want to be an A-mer-i-can I-di-ot Don't wan-na na-tion un-der the new me-di-a And can you hear the sound of hy-ster-i-a? The sub-lim-in-al mind-fuck A-mer-i-ca Wel-come to a new kind of ten-sion All a-cross the al-i-en na-tion Ev-ery-thing is-n't meant to be o-kay Tel-e-vis-ion dreams of tom-or-row We're not the ones who-'re meant to fol-low Well that's en-ough to ar-gue Well may-be I'm the fag-got A-mer-i-ca I'm not a part of a red-neck a-gen-da Now ev-'ry-bod-y do the pro-a-gan-da And sing a-long in the age of par-a-noi-a Wel-come to a new kind of ten-sion All a-cross the al-i-en na-tion Ev-ery-thing is-n't meant to be o-kay Tel-e-vis-ion dreams of tom-or-row We're not the ones who-'re meant to fol-low Well that's en-ough to ar-gue Don't want to be an A-mer-i-can id-i-ot One na-tion con-trolled by the me-di-a In-for-ma-tion age of hy-ster-i-a It's go-ing out to i-di-ot A-mer-i-ca! Wel-come to a new kind of ten-sion All a-cross the al-i-en na-tion Ev-ery-thing is-n't meant to be o-kay Tel-e-vis-ion dreams of tom-or-row We're not the ones who-'re meant to fol-low Well that's en-ough to ar-gue